
The theme of TED2013 is ‘The Young. The Wise. The Undiscovered.’ and TED has launched a worldwide talent search to bring together the most remarkable lineup in TED’s history, the TED Worldwide Auditions.
Applications for the speakers are available here :
Who are they looking for?
Anyone can apply to audition, so long as you have not spoken at a TED Conference and do not have a talk posted on So, TED Fellows can apply for the TED Auditions.
TED is especially looking for:
? THE INVENTOR … sharing an innovation with world-changing potential
? THE TEACHER … sharing valuable knowledge in a memorable way to teenagers or adults
? THE PRODIGY … young talent ready to break out
? THE ARTIST … who can showcase their work in a compelling, new way (Don’t just talk about it. Show us your work!)
? THE PERFORMER … music, dance, comedy, drama … or something entirely different
? THE SAGE … wisdom the world needs from those who have learned it the hard way
? THE ENTHUSIAST … with an infectious passion about a topic they can share
? THE CHANGE AGENT … helping shape the world’s future with work that matters
? THE STORYTELLER … vivid, original, meaningful … with a talent for connection
? THE SPARK … with a powerful idea worth spreading
For more information on the TED Worldwide Auditions, please visit the TED2013 audition website :


    • gaurav pant

    • 12 years ago

    give the details please in my id…i wil be there to show what i am…..i did not get any chance yet..

  1. please send me details in my id…i will be there for the auditions for sure..i will show u what i am…

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