Everyday Inspiration


Hacking the hackathon Jury

It’s raining hackathons in Bangalore. Last weekend was Jugaadathon, next week is IOT hackathon and this week, the mother of all hackathons, wait for it….kumbathon! Yes, hacking kumbh mela. So,  in the spirit of helping hackers,  here is my cheat sheet for hacking the jury process.  Having served on numerous one hackathon juries, please dont take my […]


Hacking the hackathon Jury

It’s raining hackathons in Bangalore. Last weekend was Jugaadathon, next week is IOT hackathon and this week, the mother of all hackathons, wait for it….kumbathon! Yes, hacking kumbh mela. So,  in the spirit of helping hackers,  here is my cheat sheet for hacking the jury process.  Having served on numerous one hackathon juries, please dont take my […]

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