


    • 17 years ago


  1. plz login id

    • ColDr.Ramesh Bhatt

    • 15 years ago

    HI Iam Dr. Ramesh Bhatt 1964 batch of kmc.We had a grand reunion this Oct. It was wonderful! X-mas gtgs & Happy New Year to all "KMCians"

    • dr.KIRAN.OSWAL. MD

    • 14 years ago

    hello…. i m KIRAN.OSWAL .. 1989 Batch… We had "BEES SAL BAD' get together at hubli….At present , i m in BIJAPUR — running my private CLINIC + USG centre+ HOSPITAL[ 15beded] ..Contact no. 08352-262517 & 09481083999…

    • Dr Ashok Rasalkar

    • 14 years ago

    Hi I am Dr Ashok Rasalkar, working in Mumbai since 30 years. Entered KMC in 1972
    Any of my batch mates ? would love to hear!!
    Pl email me at ashkya

      • Sandeep Huilgol

      • 13 years ago

      Hi Sir, my father Dr Gopi Huilgol is from the same batch, will let him know about u. There r few from ur batch in our place as well, Bagalkot. Dr.Sorgavi, Dr. Yogappanavar, Dr.Shettar and few more if u remember any of those… My father's e mail by the way is

      • neelakanth harapanahalli

      • 12 years ago

      i joined as an addendum to the regular batch in 1972

      • neelakanth harapanahalli

      • 12 years ago

      i joined in oct 72
      lokking forward to the reunion

    • madhavaraob2002

    • 14 years ago

    Hi Iam madhavarao banaji,1967-68 student.Any classmates meet me here or at face book.

    • Gurdeep Singh

    • 13 years ago

    Hi ! I am Gurdeep Singh from 1972-1973 batch, looking for any body from my batch contact me at It will be a great fun and will refresh the old memories an events to share.

      • ajay patwardhan

      • 13 years ago

      Remember me?

        • shashidhar katakol

        • 12 years ago

        how r u?

    • sathischandra.b.k

    • 13 years ago

    hey ,
    i am sathischandra .b.k . 1991 batch i am in mangalore

    • gurdeep dhaliwal

    • 13 years ago

    Hi I am Dr. Gurdeep Singh from 1973 batch. Is any body remember me, email me at gurdipster@ or @ face book

    • Ajay Patwardhan

    • 13 years ago

    Hi all,
    I a from 1972 batch. I a currently in Bangalore and work as Medical Director for GE. I was at the 1972 batch get togethers last time.
    I am presently looking for KMC folks and their addresses / e mails ids etc. I am preparing for a project for funding by venture capitalists to the tune of 5 million dollers. I need one contact person in every town of India and would rather trust KMCians. So if you are interested send mail to me. at

      • neelakanth harapanahalli

      • 12 years ago

      i missed you last time you were in usa. i was in india at that time

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