Author: ashwin

India’s weak rural health infrastructure to be bolstered by CHD’s Mission ICU strategy

India’s rural health infrastructure, which is hit by shortage of equipment and ICU beds, will now be strengthened by Mission ICU, a collaborative social initiative of CHD Group. This public health organization, holding UN ECOSOC Special Consultative Status, is supported by volunteers across the country. Mission ICU is building healthcare capacity in small towns and […]


Keep Calm, George!

A man in the supermarket was pushing a cart which contained, among other things, a screaming baby. As the man proceeded along the aisles, he kept repeating softly, “Keep calm, George. Don’t get excited, George. Don’t get excited, George. Don’t yell, George.” A lady watching with admiration said to the man, “You are certainly to […]


Art of Calm Communication

Early 2020, as the Pandemic struck, the hospitality industry was hit most significantly. Overnight travel stopped, hotels were shut, restaurants closed. It was in this background – Anne Sorenson, CEO of Marriot Hotels had to make an announcement. “There’s simply nothing worse than telling highly valued associates- people who are the very heart of this […]

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